We all live with a certain level of risk and liability. The question is what is your level of risk and if your level of liability is high enough to cause concern of loosing your nest egg? Are you afraid of loosing your investments, loosing your investment properties, your retirement or even your house due to a lawsuit or liability from your business or daily risk? If yes, the solution to level the playing field is creating a strong asset protection plan that fits your profile.
Asset Protection works by removing the economic incentive for a person, and that person’s attorney to pursue you in a court of law. The best way to protect your assets is to take legal steps to make you unattractive to potential predators.
“One of the great joys of being a investor is to see your portfolio and net worth grow exponentially over time. But as your assets grow, so does your risk of dealing with a law suit. It’s not so much a matter of if, but when that will happen. Without the proper asset protection in place, you could lose everything you worked so hard to develop over night.” – Old Dawg’s Host… Read More