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John P. Sanderson III is an American wills, trusts and estates attorney who has a net worth of $3.5 million.

Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, in 1979, John Sanderson III earned his bachelor’s degree from The University of Scranton. He went on to study law at Widener University School of Law, graduating with his J.D. in 2007 and passing the New York and Pennsylvania bar exams.

Sanderson is a partner at The Sanderson Law Firm, based in Northeastern, Pennsylvania and Queens, New York City. He has had several high-profile celebrity clients throughout his career. Sanderson represented a high-profile celebrity New York attorney with assets in excess of $70 million. He was the successor to his client’s law practice when the client passed away and was the attorney of record for his Estate. His real estate mogul client had a well-known law firm in Queens/Manhattan, NYC and had real estate dealings with President Donald J. Trump.
Sanderson also represented a famous physician (former General Surgeon for the State of Pennsylvania) who was a member of the team of surgeons to have the first open heart surgery in 1953. This surgeon was also the personal physician to the famous American… Read More

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Dr. John N. Mellon, Ed.D. December 12, 2020 1:45 am

Attorney Sanderson has rendered professional and personal estate and trust assistance to my late mother (passing November 15, 2019), my sister and your family and myself. We all rest comfortable based on Attorney John’s sincere attention to details in his stress free manner.
He relates to the need all of his clients from his net worth $70 million client to a single individual purchasing their first home.
He sincerely enjoys learning about all individual’s personal interests, activities and opinions with whom he interacts.
Attorney John Sanderson, III projects and builds a solid professional, caring image of lawyers.

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